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Allow us to re-introduce ourselves, We are SHINE! 

Sisters Helping Inspire Nurture and Encourage - that is the essence of SHINE.


SHINE is a community where Christian women can come together to support one another, share their stories, and inspire each other to reach their full potential in Christ Jesus. Whether you need a listening ear, a word of encouragement, or simply a place to connect with like-minded Christian women, SHINE is here for you.


We are dedicated to helping each other shine bright in the Lord.


Matthew 5:16 says, "Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven".


Mission statement: Together we will strive to create an atmosphere where women of all ages of the Bouldercrest CoC will experience spiritual growth, encouragement, and guidance as we navigate our Christian journey.


Vision statement: Through worship, study, ladies’ activities, and programs, we desire to encourage women of all ages to live purposeful lives that reflect the love and teachings of God.



The 2024 theme is "CALLED: Christian women Allowing the Lord to Lead us,

Empower us, & Develop us."


Spring Fellowship - March 22, 2025

Christian women allowing the Lord to EMPOWER us.


Ladies’ Day - August 23, 2025

Christian women allowing the Lord to LEAD us.


Winter Fellowship - December 27, 2025

Christian women allowing the Lord to DEVELOP us.


Tangelia Terrell - Coordinator 

Jondreia Marshall - Co-Coordinator

Rose Almonor - Secretary 

Penny Hackett - Treasurer 

Sarah Keyton - In-Committee Advisor


Steering Committee Members

Adnie Gaudin, Alicia Polk, Angelia Thompson, Annie Leeks, Denise Allen, Edith Bailey, Genevieve Broomfield, Gloria Christian, Jamila Ellis, Josephine Younginer, Joyous Terrell, Kearstin Jacobs, Linda Cross, Michele Thomas, Rhonda Taylor, Ruby Brown Thomas


Advisory Committee Members

Floran S. Woods, Tyesha Hunter, Nicole Malone, Penny Hackett, Felicia Burnett, Sheri Wilson, Andrea Griggs, Sheila Harris, Tamara Marsh, Angela Foster, Archie Marshall, Francine Glenn, Sandra Guilford, Janice Gary, Johnnie Kemp.


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